Vision and Mission

Our mission

To improve the rank and level of security of people and businesses, Spara tries to be the author and reference of new solutions for cyber threats.

Our vision

We will be the most reliable, up-to-date, and first choice in fighting cyber security threats to live in a completely safe world full of knowledge.

For the hero of our existence, which may be asleep

1. If we think that all heroes are born with a cloak and superhuman strength, we forget that we all have a hero inside us that may be sleeping, so it's good to voice it sometimes: wake up and make your will because your will is the sleeping hero inside you.

2. When we talk about the hero's bravery, a light shines in our eyes, the spark going to the farthest Milky Way galaxy, but we must be fair to ourselves. Bravery will deviate from the path if it is not in the way of creating peace and new things.

3. Let's remember that courage and continuity are our compasses. Don't be afraid! There is no doubt about achieving the goals. Our horizon is looking toward the future, and the future is ambiguous. But the wisdom of the hero always helps to make better decisions and overcome ambiguity.

4. The innate sense of security in all of us begins with the experience of being held by our mother, the safest place in the world. So the desire to be safe and create it is formed in all of us instinctively. The hero is brilliant and does not wait for someone to create security for him/her. He/she himself/herself becomes the beginning of security and paves the way.

5. For many, the endpoint can be a failure; but the hero is invincible. The hero of our existence looks at the light in a challenging and critical situation. He/she laughs, tries, creates, learns, teaches, and passes through with a backpack full of experiences.

Our story is typical of all the sleeping heroes who will wake up one day and fight bravely and honestly for a safe beginning and create a territory in peace.

"Put yourself behind my eyes and
see me as I see myself …"